Practical Science Classes for Homeschoolers
Your favorite practical science classes, now available during the day for homeschoolers in grades K-12!
Our classes are held in Pump It Up! locations across the Bay Area, and include an opportunity to jump on the inflatables each day. Parents will need to be sure they have a current Pump It Up! waiver on file for each child attending camp sessions. Children also need to wear or bring along a pair of clean socks.
All students should bring to class a healthy snack, a refillable water bottle, and a pair of clean socks.
Register for Homeschool Science Classes
Contact Us anytime for rolling admissions & tailored topic/activity selections.
Transfer and Cancellation Policy
Transfer policy: 5 days prior to the class start date, if a parent requests a cancellation, they can transfer their child to any available class at no charge. After the class starts: you will be charged a $10 transfer fee per session/class for any schedule changes, regardless of the original sign-up date.
Cancellations: Registrations for classes should be cancelled with at least 24 hour notice if a refund is requested along with cancellation.
Refund policy: 5 days prior to the class start date, parents may receive a full refund minus a $25 processing fee per session. No refund will be issued once a class session has started, only transfer to other available sessions is possible.
Note: If a scheduled class is cancelled by Science Nature Labs!, a full refund will be refunded to the registrant.